Author Archives: Kelley Maddison

The Top Foods That Aggravate Acne

Many individuals with acne don’t even think to consider that the foods they eat may be contributing to their breakouts.  In actuality, what you consume plays a huge role in how your skin behaves- good or bad.

The biggest nutritional culprits for triggering acne breakouts are iodides (and foods that contain them) and foods that are high in androgens.  Iodides irritate the follicle lining prompting inflammation resulting in breakouts to occur. Androgens stimulate the hormone testoterone which signals the sebaceous (oil) glands to start working overtime.  More inflammation + more oil = more acne.

If you are acne-prone, you should consider reducing the following in your diet:

-Iodized salt
-Milk (including organic and especially nonfat)
-Whey or Soy protein shakes and bars
-Soy (tofu, soy milk, tempeh, edamame, soy sauce)
-Seafood, Shellfish (shrimp, scallops, cod, lobster, etc.)
-Spirulina, Chlorella, Blue-Green Algae (found commonly in Green Drinks)
-Kelp, Miso Soup, Seaweed, Carrageenan, Seaweed Supplements
-Vitamins with iodides, kelp, potassium iodide, Vitamins B12 & B7 (biotin)

-Peanuts, Peanut Butter (peanuts are also very inflammatory besides being high in androgens)
-Peanut Oil, Corn Oil, Canola Oil
-Organ Meats including pate



In looking at these lists you may be wondering, “Well what CAN I eat???”  First, take a deep breath.  You don’t have to cut out these foods entirely.  However, if you have acne you should consider significantly reducing the intake of these foods in your diet.

In my next blog post, I will share which foods you can use as substitutes for those high in iodides and angrogens.  Until then, try to begin reducing some of the acne triggers foods listed above.


Makeup Brushes: How To Properly Care For Them

Let’s face it, when you purchase high-quality, professional makeup brushes, you are making a significant investment.  In order to protect your investment, proper care of your brushes is makeup brushnot only highly recommended, but essential.

Properly cleaning your makeup brushes will save you time, money, and even your skin! Each time you use your brushes, they become contaminated with skin oils, bacteria, debris, and old, oxidized colors. Cleaning your brushes will help remove these contaminants so that your makeup application will not only be easier, but also be fresher and cleaner. Plus, your brushes will last so much longer.

Your brushes should be thoroughly cleaned at least once per week with a gentle brush shampoo or ultra gentle facial cleanser.  It doesn’t need to be a hassle- all you need is about 5 minutes.

How To Wash Your Brushes:

♦ Simply run your brushes under warm water and apply the cleanser to the bristles. Gently massage the cleanser into the hairs or fibers, but do not fully submerge the brush in water. Always point your brushes downward, taking care not to get water into the ferrule, the part of the brush that connects to the handle and the bristles. Getting water into the ferrule will loosen the bristles, causing the brush to shed excessively. Continue to wash the brush thoroughly, butsilicone brush cleaning glove gently, until there isn’t any more pigment coming out from the bristles.  To make your life even easier, we recommend a silicone brush cleaning glove or mat.  You can find one here at Amazon.

♦ Next, gently squeeze out any excess water, re-shape the bristles if necessary, and lay your brushes flat to dry on a paper towel. Never stand the brushes upright to dry.

♦ Last but not least, once your brushes are dry, store them in a closed container such as a clean makeup case or even a plastic bag. This will prevent environmental pollutants such as dust, pet dander, and mold spores from finding their way onto your makeup brushes and eventually onto your skin.

We recommend using a brush cleaner spray, such as Cinema Secrets, for in-between cleanings cinema secrets brush cleanerto help remove daily residue.  It thoroughly dissolves all mineral pigments, sebum buildup and whisks away dead skin cells, leaving your brushes fresh, clean and ready for the next application. Plus it’s acne-safe!  You can purchase it on Amazon.

It’s important to note that not all makeup brushes are created equal. You have animal hair brushes and then there’s synthetic brushes.  All of PRIIA’s brushes are synthetic.  They are made of a nylon fiber, are extremely durable and will last almost a lifetime if cared for properly.  We chose not to offer animal brushes because the question of animal cruelty is always front and center for us.  Plus, animal hair brushes do not wear as well as their synthetic counterparts.  Just like the hair on your head, makeup brushes made from animal hair can get roughned cuticles on the hair. When the cuticles are roughned, the brush starts to feel ‘scratchy’ and can actually cause small micro-tears in the skin when applying your makeup.  These micro-tears create inflammation and we all know where that leads…red, itchy and inflamed skin.  Ouch.

And one last thing…

All of these brush cleaning tips won’t mean a thing if you don’t actually do them. So go ahead and get to protecting your investment!  One…Two…Three…WASH!

Silicones: Do They Clog Your Pores?

siliconesSilicones.  They’re either loved or hated. They’ve been demonized and they’ve been praised. Most notably, they’ve been accused of being comedogenic; meaning that they will clog your pores leading to acne breakouts. But is this true?  Today we will separate fact from fiction and learn the truth about silicones and their role in the beauty and skin care industry.

Fact Versus Fiction:

Silicones are class of chemicals known as ‘polymers’. Two basic elements make up silicones: silicon and oxygen, chemically written as SiO.  Silicon is 14th on the periodic table and is the 2nd most abundant element on earth.

Silicones DO NOT clog pores or enter the bloodstream via cosmetics, nor do they bioaccumulate in humans and animals.  The molecule is too large to enter the pore just as in the case of petroleum jelly and is too large to pass through the cell membrane (necessary for bioaccumulation to occur).  However, silicones can INCREASE the penetration of other ingredients in a formula and if these other ingredients are pore cloggers and irritants, then those are the culprits for breakouts, NOT the silicone(s).  On the flip side, if a formula contains non-comedogenic ingredients that are extremely beneficial to the skin, silicones will help to penetrate them and this is excellent news. Time and time again, silicones in studies have been shown to actually INCREASE the healing of acne lesions and DECREASE the occurence of acne scarring.  Silicones also lessen the time it takes for wounds to heal.

Silicones are non-irritating, non-sensitizing and they are extremely resistant to oxidation (they won’t go rancid). They are hostile towards microbial and bacterial growth which makes them an excellent wound-healing agent. Silicones are non-allergenic as well-they do not react with the body’s immune system. They are now being used as a replacement for latex (a very allergenic substance) in a wide variety of applications and are also used in treating Atopic Dermatitis and Eczema.

Another rumour circulating via internet pseudo science is that silicones ‘act as a plastic wrap’ and do not allow the skin to breathe. Absolutely false.  Silicones do NOT suffocate the skin trapping bacteria and sweat, as most people have been led to believe via internet scare-mongering and fear tactics. Silicones actually allow for oxygen, nitrogen and water vapors to pass freely, also known as a ‘vapor permeable’ barrier.  What silicones DO do is to prevent TEWL (trans-epidermal water loss): a leading cause of dry and dehydrated skin.  The skin barrier is protected when silicones are applied topically.  Protecting the stratum corneum is critical to skin health.

Silicones do NOT trap sebum (facial oil).  They actually help to absorb excess oil and produce a mattifying effect to the skin.  Silicones can blur the look of fine lines and enlarged pores. This is highly desirable amongst cosmetics users who have oily skin, large pores and are frustrated by oily breakthrough and their makeup not lasting throughout the day.

Silicones ARE biodegradable.  They are not clogging up our environment, such as in the case of plastics.  Silicones will break down into water, silicic acid and carbon dioxide.  Low molecular weight silicones such as Cyclopentasiloxane will break down faster than higher weight silicones such as Dimethicone.  Nonetheless, ALL silicones biodegrade and studies have proven that no adverse effects were discovered to soil micororganisims or plant life that was treated with soil containing high levels of silicones.

As you can clearly see, silicones in the use of cosmetics have gotten a bad rap, and for no good reason and without a shred of scientific proof. Those individuals demonizing silicones are simply uninformed and they continue to perpetuate false rumours which only confuses consumers.

The bottom line is this:

  • Silicones are non-comedogenic & non-acnegenic.  They DO NOT clog pores  OR cause acne breakouts.
  • Silicones are non-irritating & non-sensitizing.
  • Silicones are non-allergenic. They DO NOT cause allergic reactions.
  • Silicones ARE breathable.
  • Silicones are biodegradable.




Oily Skin Part II: What Can You Do About It?

oily skinIn last week’s article, you learned what facial oil is and I discussed what the causes of oily skin are.  Today we’ll find out if there’s anything we can do about oily skin and what are the best ways to manage it.

First and foremost, you can’t stop your skin from producing oil. Short of taking a prescription drug like Accutane, you can’t just shut off your sebaceous glands.  However, you can get your oil production under control.  Here’s a few simple tips:

  1. Get hydrated!  Yes, drinking water is important to overall health but it’s not enough to keep your skin hydrated. You MUST use a hydrating product that’s going to draw moisture to the skin. Look for ones that contain Sodium Hyaluronate (Hyaluronic Acid).  This ingredient is like a tall glass of water for your skin.  My favorite is HydraBalance by Face Reality Acne Clinic. Just like the name says, it HYDRATES and it BALANCES.  I just LOVE this stuff!
  2. Start using the correct products for your skin type.  Steer clear of products that are too harsh and that can strip away the lipid barrier of the epidermis (top layer of skin).  Likewise, don’t OVERUSE your skin care products.  Washing your face twenty times per day isn’t going to get rid of the oil; it just compounds the problem.  Oh and when you do wash your face, use TEPID water only.  Water that’s too hot will leach moisture right out of your skin!
  3. If it all possible, get a home humidifier installed to run during the cold months of the year. Dry indoor heating is horrible!  It dehydrates the skin.  If a home humidifier is too expensive, consider getting a small unit that you can run at night while you’re sleeping.  A good brand is Honeywell.  Just be sure to change the filter often enough to prevent mold & bacteria growth!
  4. Don’t even think about using oil as a moisturizer.  I hate to break this to you but oils DO NOT moisturize the skin.  They only create a barrier that helps to prevent TEWL (transepidermal water loss).  Hydrate your skin first with a water-based moisturizer and then you can use an emollient-type of product on top to seal in that moisture.  My favorite is Clearderma by Face Reality Acne Clinic.  I put their HydraBalance on first and then I put on a light layer of Clearderma. Voila!  Instantly plumped and hydrated skin. Me likey.
  5. I can’t believe I even have to say this but…STOP TANNING!  It’s bad for you and your skin. Enough said.
  6. Lastly, consider using an acne-safe oil-control product such as PRIIA’s HydraPrime oil-control powder BEFORE and AFTER foundation application.  It’s specially formulated to absorb excess facial without over-drying the skin and it’s translucent so it won’t interfere with other makeup colors.  Customers have reported that it helps keep the shine away for 6, 7 and even 8+ hours.  *Before applying any makeup products, make sure you’ve let your moisturizer/SPF absorb into the skin.  This means you’ll need to wait about 10-15 minutes.  I’m sure you can think of something to do such as brushing your teeth, putting on your undies or checking your FaceBook and Instagram feeds…

Hey Kelley, what about those oil-blotting papers?  Should I be using these?oily skin blotting papers

Oh I have a love/hate relationship with oil-blotting papers. Why?  Because they’re expensive!  Plus, I’ve seen a few that contain ingredients (besides just paper) that can be a problem for acne-prone skin.  Not to mention I’ve seen gals literally pressing these things into their faces.  You don’t want to do this!  Why? Because your face collects dust, debris and environmental pollution throughout the day.  Pressing a piece of paper into your skin may collect some oil but at the same time you’re forcing all of that gunk into your pores and asking for an acne breakout. Ick.  Instead do this:

  • Save yourself some $$$ and grab a few toilet protector sheets the next time you visit the ladies room.  Don’t be embarrassed!  They’re there for you to use.  There are no rules as to how you use them, right? Cut them up into small squares and carry them in your purse.  Voila!  Oil absorbing sheets for free!
  • When you want to absorb some excess shine, GENTLY lay one of the sheets onto your oily spots and let the paper do the job of absorbing the oil.  DO NOT PRESS it into your skin. When done, throw it out.
  • Lastly, mist a few pumps of PRIIA’s Hydrating Spritz on our Deluxe Powder Buffer Brush and lightly sweep across your face to refresh your makeup and give some extra hydration to your skin.  *Optionally, you can dust on a little extra HydraPrime to help absorb oil throughout the rest of the day.

I hope you enjoyed these tips!  Please feel free to share this post with anyone you know who’s dealing with oily skin! 

Oily Skin: What Are The Causes?

oily skin confusedOily skin.  It’s a love/hate relationship.  For those of us who have oily skin, we love it because we show less aging such as fine lines and wrinkles. Yay!  But we hate it for the inevitable shine breakthrough, enlarged pores and more often than not, acne breakouts. Boo.

What is facial oil?

The technical term is: sebum.  Sebum is a material comprised of fatty materials secreted by the skindiagramsebaceous glands.  Sebum’s function is to protect the outermost layer of skin known as the epidermis against dehydration and bacterial invasion.

What actually causes oily skin?

  1. It’s a genetic thing.  If oily skin runs in the family, you’re more likely to also have it.  Thanks Mom and Dad.
  2. As the seasons change, so does our skin.  In the heat and humidity, oily skin can go into overdrive.  Likewise, in the cold months oily skin can become dehydrated from indoor heating which also ramps up oil production.
  3. Using products that are too harsh for your skin (i.e. alcohol-based toners).  If you strip away your skin’s natural lipid barrier, guess what?  It’s going to work overtime (by producing more oil) to replenish itself.
  4. Just like using incorrect products, over using the correct products is just as bad.  No matter how much you try to wash, rub and scrub the oil away, it will come back and sometimes with a vengeance.  Put away those wash cloths, facial scrubbers and any other “power tools” you’re using to banish the oil.  As with anything in life, the key is finding balance.
  5. Medications can cause havoc for those with oily skin; especially hormonal medications such as birth control and hormone replacement therapy drugs.  Basically ANY medication can cause dehydration in the skin which will cause oil glands to kick into gear.
  6. Ultraviolet exposure (a.k.a. sun tanning, tanning beds).  Tsk Tsk.  Please tell me you’re not doing this!  Besides the obvious increased risk of developing skin cancer, sun exposure through sun burns and tanning (natural or artificial) sends a signal to the body that there’s a need for damage control.  Can you guess what happens next?  Yep.  Oil glands to the rescue!
  7. Too hot!  As in you’re showering, bathing and washing your skin with water that’s too hot.  Hot water literally strips away moisture from the skin causing TEWL (transepidermal water loss) which leads to dehydration.  Dehydration = oil glands working some serious overtime to compensate for the water loss, even though water and ‘oil’ are two different things.
  8. Hormones & Stress.  Ugh.  When hormones fluctuate and stress is high, oily skin can go nuts.  Literally.  A rise in androgen hormone levels (i.e. puberty, pregnancy, peri/pre menopause, as well diet) will cause oil glands to secrete an over-abundance of sebum.

In my next article I’ll discuss how you can bring balance to oily skin in just a few easy steps.  Stay tuned!

The Top 10 Things You Can Do Today To Help Your Acne

shutterstock_girl-with-acne2More than 60 million Americans suffer from some form of acne breakouts.  Acne affects more than 80% of all teenagers at some point in their lives, and clogged pores comprise more than 25% of all visits to the dermatologist.  Acne has now hit epidemic proportions in adults, especially women.  What used to be just a teenage problem is now a real challenge in people’s lives.

Common Acne Myths

→It is not due to dirty skin.
→It is not due to eating chocolate.
→It is not due to sexual frustrations.
→It is not just a teenage problem.

What Is Acne?

Acne is an inflammatory disease of the pores.  It can be caused by certain drugs, lifestyle, diet, medications or exposure to certain chemicals, but most acne is an inherited tendency.  Dead skin cells are shedding much too quickly in the acne-prone pore and an excess of sebum (facial oil) is being created due to hormonal responses.  It forms a ‘plug’ along with sebum and hair and this is where the problem begins.  If the body doesn’t see the ‘plug’ as an ‘invader’, then it remains as a non-inflamed lesion; a.k.a. ‘blackhead’.  If it does, then the formation of pimples, pustules and cysts begin to happen.

Curing Acne

First and foremost- acne CANNOT be cured; only controlled.  Don’t be fooled by all of the hype and empty promises you see about a skin care product or pill being able to “cure” acne- they can’t.  Your best course of action is to stop wasting your time, money and sanity on bogus products and get yourself to a QUALIFIED skin care professional.  As a certified acne specialist myself, I HIGHLY recommend seeking help from acne clinics such as Face Reality in California.  They specialize in the successful treatment of acne- it’s all they do.  You can even check with them to see if there’s a Face Reality Certified Professional in your area.  Many of our PRIIA™ retailers are also trained acne specialists.

The Top 10 Things You Can Do Right Now To Help With Your Acne

1. Grab some ice! When you discover a pimple forming, instead of picking at it, grab an ice cube and rub it gently over the spot for about a minute.  Don’t leave it one spot otherwise you may burn your skin- keep it moving.  An even better solution is to use a SoothieQ®! Icing brings down the inflammation and in some cases, the pimple goes away.  Picking only leads to the possible rupture of the follicle. This sends an inflammatory response signal to your immune system.  More redness ensues and you most likely will be left with a scar because healthy tissue has been damaged.

2. Watch your salt intake.  Iodized table salt and foods high in iodides cause irritation in the follicule walls in acne-prone individuals.  Cutting down on salt is good idea for overall health but if you just can’t be without it, opt for the un-iodized variety.  Foods that high in iodides (actually higher than table salt) are kelp and all seaweed based products (algae, carrageenan) and also plankton.  Many vitamin supplements contain kelp.  Many cosmetic brands are now including algae and plankton extracts.

3. Back off from dairy; especially cheese.  There are many different schools of thought when it comes to the acne-dairy connection.  Cows lick salt that has been iodized. Carrageenan is a common additive found in dairy products.  Many different chemicals are used in processing milk, not to mention hormones fed to cows. Organic milk isn’t any better either- cows still lick salt AND their milk still contains hormones (just not added hormones). Consider switching to almond milk instead (unless of course you are allergic to tree nuts).

4. Change out your pillowcase every night.  If you’re not using a fresh pillowcase every night- start doing so.  There is evidence to suggest that sleeping on a fresh, clean pillowcase every night cuts down on the occurrences of blemishes.

5. Say NO to fabric softener and dryer sheets.  These products leave a waxy residue on fabric to cut down on static cling.  This residue is highly comedogenic and gets transferred onto your skin.  Opt for dryer balls instead.  They’re reusable and they help with static cling.  Switch your laundry detergents to the fragrance-free variety.

6. Put away the peanut butter and other “high androgen” foods.  These include: Peanuts, peanut butter, peanut oil, corn oil, wheat germ, shellfish and organ meats (liver, sweetbreads, heart).  They contain a substance that mimics androgen hormones.  Foods high in androgens are inflammatory, cause more facial oil and exacerbate acne.

7. Get more R&R.  Rest and relaxation is important in helping with your acne.  Not enough sleep and high stress levels stimulate the adrenal glands.  This promotes more sebum production which leads to more breakouts.  The stress doesn’t have to be ‘bad’ stress either.  It can be joyful stress such as getting married or landing that new job you’ve been after for a while.  Stress is stress- your body doesn’t know the difference.

8. Avoid low-estrogen birth control methods.  They cause hormonal changes which leads to breakouts in the acne-prone individual.

9. Limit your sun exposure.  At first, it may seem like your acne is drying up and going away from being in the sun.  Don’t be fooled. Sun exposure without proper protection damages the follicles, exacerbates hyperpigmentation and increases your risk for skin cancer as well as for getting ‘Solar Acne’ and ‘Acne Majorca’.  Be sure to use a non-comedogenic sunscreen every day.  Heat and humidity also make acne worse.

10. Double-check your skin care and makeup products!  Cosmetics are notorious for causing breakouts in the acne-prone individual. Many are filled with comedogenic oils, waxes, dyes and synthetic ingredients that aggravate acne.  Even natural ingredients like coconut oil, shea butter and olive oil are big no-no for acne.  Some prescription skin care products such as Retin A (cream form) contain a potent pore clogger- isopropyl myristate. Check your products with our PORE CLOGGERS list.  If you find these ingredients in your cosmetics, consider an alternative.  Our PRIIA™ Minerale-Derm products are 100% acne safe.  They are truly non-comedogenic AND non-acnegenic.  Give them a try today!

PRIIA Business Spotlight: Elements Skin Care & Acne Clinic

We are thrilled to add a new category to the PRIIA Beauty Buzz Blog: PRIIA Business Spotlight. We will be showcasing the FABULOUS businesses who sell the PRIIA minerale-derm line in their salons, spas and acne clinics.  You’ll have an opportunity to get to know these hard-working small business owners and if you’re in their area, please consider contacting them for an appointment.  PRIIA’s wholesale clients are an extremely vital part of our company’s success and we are honored to be a part of their businesses and lives!

Get ready to read all about Rebecca Meyers and Elements Skin Care & Acne Clinic!

  1. What is the name of your business?
    Elements Skin Care & Acne Clinic
  1. Where are you located?
    Anchorage, AK
  1. How long have you been in business?
    9 1/2 years 
  1. What types of esthetic services do you offer?
    I am a certified Acne Specialist and I offer acne consultations and treatments, as well as long-distance acne coaching.  I also offer clinical facial treatments & peels and DermaSound skin resurfacing.
  1. Why did you choose to offer PRIIA to your clients?
    I own an acne clinic and providing the right makeup for my clients is imperative in successfully getting them clear.  If someone is doing everything else appropriate for their skin but still using the wrong makeup (which most makeup is), it keeps them from achieving the results they are working so hard to get.  Before I found PRIIA, I struggled to find a makeup line that met my criteria: didn’t clog, was moisturizing and provided full-coverage for acne-prone skin.  PRIIA is 100% acne-safe and always will be, created by an acne specialist who is highly educated about acne (most manufacturers are NOT educated about acne).  Not only will the entire line NOT clog pores, the ingredients are actually beneficial for the skin: anti-inflammatory, soothing, anti-bacterial, anti-aging and even hydrating.  The PRIIA line has everything my clients are looking for (foundations, concealers, primers, brushes, etc.) and I especially love that the makeup is luxurious as well as completely functional.

  2. What is your favorite PRIIA product and why?
    The foundation creme sticks, hands down!  Being in Alaska, we are constantly combating dry skin issues.  My clients love the dewy and more moisturizing application and finish of a cream versus a powder and it had previously been really difficult for me to find them an acne-safe creamy foundation, let alone one that had such a beautiful, flawless finish.  There are many happy women in Alaska right now!
  1. What do your clients think of the PRIIA minerale-derm line?
    So far, my clients are really happy with the PRIIA minerale-derm line.  I’ve introduced it to all of my new clients, have switched over some existing clients and still have many others to transition into it.  Everyone loves the packaging and convenience of the tubes, is fascinated with the brush-on application technique and really, really loves the finish and coverage of the mineral creme sticks and concealers.  Nearly every single person I apply it to in my office cannot believe how beautiful their skin looks and they purchase it on the spot.  A really common response after application is a disbelieiving, “WOW!”.  Not only is this makeup healthy for the skin, it provides a beautiful finish too- very important with acne.  I’ve had several clients reach out to me on their own to tell me how much they are loving their new makeup- we are all really happy!

Here’s Rebecca proudly displaying her selection of the PRIIA minerale-derm line.  Thanks Rebecca! You can find Elements Skin Care & Acne Clinic in Alaska by using our retail locator .

Rebecca Meyers

PRIIA Business Spotlight: Atlanta Acne Specialists

We are thrilled to add a new category to the PRIIA Beauty Buzz Blog: PRIIA Business Spotlight. We will be showcasing the FABULOUS businesses who sell the PRIIA minerale-derm line in their salons, spas and acne clinics.  You’ll have an opportunity to get to know these hard-working small business owners and if you’re in their area, please consider contacting them for an appointment.  PRIIA’s wholesale clients are an extremely vital part of our company’s success and we are honored to be a part of their businesses and lives!

Get ready to read all about Teri Eastin and Atlanta Acne Specialists!

  1. What is the name of your business?
    Atlanta Acne Specialists, LLC
  1. Where are you located?
    Atlanta, GA
  1. How long have you been in business?
    2 1/2 years so far.
  1. What types of esthetic services do you offer?
    We see exclusively acne clients, specializing in moderate to severe acne.
  1. Why did you choose to offer PRIIA to your clients?
    I chose Priia because Kelley, PRIIA’s owner, is an acne specialist as well and therefore understands my business and how important the right ingredients in each product are. I love that each ingredient has a reason and purpose for being there; no fillers or junk. It’s all good for the skin, good for acne AND everyone can wear it, not just those suffering with acne. Lastly, I know that the ingredient deck will never change and cause problems for my clients. That’s the biggest obstacle I have with mass produced products. The ingredient deck changes at random so you’ll buy it one time and it’s safe, but the next time it may not be. Oh, and one more thing. Everything is “made to order” so I know the products are fresh and have not been sitting on the shelf in a warehouse for months on end before they reach my office.
  2. What is your favorite PRIIA product and why?
    My favorite Priia product is the loose powder foundation. It literally takes years off of me!! My clients love it because it’s light and looks natural, yet gives great coverage. I love the creme blushes too!
  1. What do your clients think of the PRIIA minerale-derm line?
    My clients love this line because they know it will never cause breakouts. Education is key. I tell them to wear it a few times to give it a real chance. Priia is totally different from any other makeup you have tried. Give it a little time. You will fall in love!!

Here’s Teri proudly displaying her selection of the PRIIA minerale-derm line.  Thanks Teri! You can find Atlanta Acne Specialists in Georgia by using our retail locator .


PRIIA Business Spotlight: Envision Acne and Skin Care Center

We are thrilled to add a new category to the PRIIA Beauty Buzz Blog: PRIIA Business Spotlight. We will be showcasing the FABULOUS businesses who sell the PRIIA minerale-derm line in their salons, spas and acne clinics.  You’ll have an opportunity to get to know these hard-working small business owners and if you’re in their area, please consider contacting them for an appointment.  PRIIA’s wholesale clients are an extremely vital part of our company’s success and we are honored to be a part of their lives!

Get ready to read all about Nikolett Ivanyi of Envision Acne and Skin Care Center!

  1. What is the name of your business?
    Envision Acne & Skin Care Center
  1. Where are you located?
    189 US HWY 9 South
    Manalapan, NJ 07726
  1. How long have you been in business?
    3 years so far.
  1. What types of esthetic services do you offer?
    We specialize in teen and adult acne treatments. Our unique Acne Free Skin Program ™ will clear up the skin in 90 days without the use of antibiotics or prescription medications. 
  1. Why did you choose to offer PRIIA to your clients?
    I have been looking for a make up line for years that I can safely offer to my acne clients. We tried many, but never found one that will provide full coverage, is non-comedogenic and is also reasonably priced. Luckily, one day I stumbled upon Priia and decided to give it a try. I was amazed by the coverage of the Loose Mineral Powder Foundation. It looks beautiful on the skin and provides a very natural look. I also love the fact that every single product from the line is 100% acne-safe and non-irritating for sensitive skin types. 
  2. What is your favorite PRIIA product and why?
    My favorite product is the Essential Cover Loose Mineral Foundation in Honey color. It helps even out my skin tone and covers any unwanted pigmentation. My clients always complement on how perfect my skin looks when I’m wearing Priia. In the summer time I like to dust a little Vacation in a Jar Mineral Bronzer over my foundation to achieve a nice bronze finish. 
  1. What do your clients think of the PRIIA minerale-derm line?
    My clients love how the foundation perfectly matches their skin tone. They also get excited about the great selection of acne-safe blushes and bronzers too.

Here’s Nikolett proudly displaying her selection of the PRIIA minerale-derm line.  Thanks Nikolett! You can find Envision Acne and Skin Care Center in New Jersey by using our retail locator .

Nikolett Ivanyi 1           Nikolett Ivanyi 2

How to Get Full Coverage with Loose Mineral Foundation

Today’s post is a step-by-step tutorial about how to get the ultimate full coverage using PRIIA Cosmetics Essential Cover Loose Mineral Foundation.

There’s actually several ways to do this such as: adding multiple layers of loose foundation and layering our loose and creme foundation together.  However, today we’ll teach you how to do the ‘Boosted Coverage Method”. It’s so easy and perfect for those who use our loose mineral foundation for stage makeup and for those with severe acne/facial redness/hyperpigmentation.

Boosted Coverage Method (excellent for severe acne coverage, stage makeup, bridal, special events)
1. Dispense PRIIA’s loose mineral foundation into the lid of the jar.
2. Lightly mist your Flat Top Brush or Flat Top Buki with a favorite gentle toner (non-acid based) or DISTILLED water (do not use tap water).
3. If the brush is too damp, gently blot off any excess moisture on a tissue or the back of your hand.
4. Dip the brush head into the lid to pick up the product.
5. Apply the product using PRIIA’s signature ‘Stamp & Blend’ method making sure to work quickly and blend out evenly into the hair line, past the jaw line and down onto the neck.

PRIIA LMF 2 PRIIA LMF 3 PRIIA LMF 4 Coverage Booster method2

We hope you enjoyed this product tutorial.  If you have any questions or need assistance, please feel free to use the CONTACT US form at