Tag Archives: non-comedogenic

Acne-Safe Tinted Mineral SPF40 is here!!!

We are so excited to announce the launch of our new acne-safe tinted mineral SPF40!

It’s a 100% acne-safe physical sunblock that contains both Zinc Oxide and Titanium Dioxide, which provides broad spectrum coverage from both harmful UVA and UVB rays.

This silky-smooth lightweight tinted SPF40 also doubles as a primer to help reduce the appearance of enlarged pores and fine lines/wrinkles.

It’s also Water Resistant up to 80 minutes!

This product comes in one universal shade that is appropriate for most skin tones. If desired, you can mix a little of this product with your regular SPF to ‘lighten’ the tint.

Using a separate primer is NOT necessary after using this product since it already has a primer built into it.  So, if you have our acne-safe primer, you don’t need to use that on the days you choose to wear the acne-safe tinted mineral SPF40.

This is the PERFECT product to use when you don’t want to be bothered putting on foundation but you still want a “finished” look!

How to use: Dispense a nickle-sized amount of our acne-safe tinted mineral SPF40 into your hands and apply evenly all over the face. Be sure to blend well. You can apply our foundations over top and/or just our HydraPrime or BEHAVE Finishing Powder to complete your look. *Thoroughly wash hands after application as this product may stain some fabrics.

Both full-size ($44) and sample sizes ($3.50) are available. We encourage all customers to purchase sample sizes BEFORE committing to full-size products.  Get yours today at PRIIA.com!

Swimming and Acne: What’s the Connection?

I just love a nice dip in the pool. It clears my mind and I feel so refreshed when I’m swimming. Unfortunately, my skin doesn’t like the pool.  I breakout.  Maybe you do too. Here’s why there’s a direct correlation between swimming and acne breakouts.

Pools have to be disinfected in order to not be a public health hazard.  Unfortunately, those disinfectants are made up of chlorine and iodides.  Both of these materials are known irritants for acne-prone skin.  The same is true for salt water pools- the sodium chloride is an acne-aggravator.

Does this mean you should avoid swimming at all costs if you have acne? No.

This may sound strange but apply a very thin layer of Vaseline to your face (and body if you have body acne) before going into the pool.  The thin coating of Vaseline will act as an occlusive barrier to the pool’s chemical disinfectants. Despite what you may have read on the Internet, Vaseline will NOT clog your skin- it is non-comedogenic.  The molecule is simply too large to penetrate the pores.

Don’t want to use Vaseline on your face? Consider using PRIIA’s Acne-Safe Lip Treatment Balm. It will do the same thing as Vaseline: it will create an an occlusive barrier protecting your skin from those acne aggravating chemicals PLUS it has some pretty great skin soothing ingredients in it as well. 

After swimming, don’t forget to shower immediately! Use our acne-safe makeup remover first to breakdown the Vaseline or balm and then use a skin type appropriate cleanser to thoroughly cleanse the face and body.

Acne Cosmetica: Breakouts From Makeup

If you’re an acne-prone individual, you need to be careful with the cosmetic products you’re using as many contain hidden pore clogging ingredients.  When you breakout from makeup, this is a condition known as ACNE COSMETICA.

The most frustrating part about Acne Cosmetica is that you may be using products that say: “won’t clog your pores”, “hypoallergenic” or “oil-free” yet they are actually what’s causing your breakouts or making your existing acne worse.

Another frustration many acne sufferers experience is that the products they’re using may have been orginally safe for acne but now the formula has changed and it’s comedogenic.  There is no way to know if a formula has changed unless you check the ingredient decks with every purchase. Let’s be honest- most consumers don’t check ingredient labels with the FIRST purchase nevermind with subsequent purchases. Plus, the large cosmetics manufacturers CONSTANTLY change their formulas.  At the end of the day, the acne-prone consumer is left feeling confused, frustrated and defeated when breakouts occur and yet they haven’t changed anything within their routine.

What should you do?  BE YOUR OWN ACNE ADVOCATE.

But how do you become your own advocate to avoid Acne Cosmetica?  Use PRIIA’s PORE CLOGGERS LIST to check your products’ ingredient decks.  In all honesty, this is an arduous task and this list is by no means the “be all end all” of pore clogging ingredients but it’s a good start. Your best bet?  Switch out your cosmetics to our line, PRIIA minerale-derm.  Our formulas are not only 100% acne-safe but they’re also beneficial to acne-prone skin.  They are non-comedogenic and non-acnegenic which means they won’t clog your pores OR contribute to acne breakouts. Our products have helped thousands of acne sufferers.  Give us try today.  It’s a step in the right direction on the path to having clear skin!


Silicones: Do They Clog Your Pores?

siliconesSilicones.  They’re either loved or hated. They’ve been demonized and they’ve been praised. Most notably, they’ve been accused of being comedogenic; meaning that they will clog your pores leading to acne breakouts. But is this true?  Today we will separate fact from fiction and learn the truth about silicones and their role in the beauty and skin care industry.

Fact Versus Fiction:

Silicones are class of chemicals known as ‘polymers’. Two basic elements make up silicones: silicon and oxygen, chemically written as SiO.  Silicon is 14th on the periodic table and is the 2nd most abundant element on earth.

Silicones DO NOT clog pores or enter the bloodstream via cosmetics, nor do they bioaccumulate in humans and animals.  The molecule is too large to enter the pore just as in the case of petroleum jelly and is too large to pass through the cell membrane (necessary for bioaccumulation to occur).  However, silicones can INCREASE the penetration of other ingredients in a formula and if these other ingredients are pore cloggers and irritants, then those are the culprits for breakouts, NOT the silicone(s).  On the flip side, if a formula contains non-comedogenic ingredients that are extremely beneficial to the skin, silicones will help to penetrate them and this is excellent news. Time and time again, silicones in studies have been shown to actually INCREASE the healing of acne lesions and DECREASE the occurence of acne scarring.  Silicones also lessen the time it takes for wounds to heal.

Silicones are non-irritating, non-sensitizing and they are extremely resistant to oxidation (they won’t go rancid). They are hostile towards microbial and bacterial growth which makes them an excellent wound-healing agent. Silicones are non-allergenic as well-they do not react with the body’s immune system. They are now being used as a replacement for latex (a very allergenic substance) in a wide variety of applications and are also used in treating Atopic Dermatitis and Eczema.

Another rumour circulating via internet pseudo science is that silicones ‘act as a plastic wrap’ and do not allow the skin to breathe. Absolutely false.  Silicones do NOT suffocate the skin trapping bacteria and sweat, as most people have been led to believe via internet scare-mongering and fear tactics. Silicones actually allow for oxygen, nitrogen and water vapors to pass freely, also known as a ‘vapor permeable’ barrier.  What silicones DO do is to prevent TEWL (trans-epidermal water loss): a leading cause of dry and dehydrated skin.  The skin barrier is protected when silicones are applied topically.  Protecting the stratum corneum is critical to skin health.

Silicones do NOT trap sebum (facial oil).  They actually help to absorb excess oil and produce a mattifying effect to the skin.  Silicones can blur the look of fine lines and enlarged pores. This is highly desirable amongst cosmetics users who have oily skin, large pores and are frustrated by oily breakthrough and their makeup not lasting throughout the day.

Silicones ARE biodegradable.  They are not clogging up our environment, such as in the case of plastics.  Silicones will break down into water, silicic acid and carbon dioxide.  Low molecular weight silicones such as Cyclopentasiloxane will break down faster than higher weight silicones such as Dimethicone.  Nonetheless, ALL silicones biodegrade and studies have proven that no adverse effects were discovered to soil micororganisims or plant life that was treated with soil containing high levels of silicones.

As you can clearly see, silicones in the use of cosmetics have gotten a bad rap, and for no good reason and without a shred of scientific proof. Those individuals demonizing silicones are simply uninformed and they continue to perpetuate false rumours which only confuses consumers.

The bottom line is this:

  • Silicones are non-comedogenic & non-acnegenic.  They DO NOT clog pores  OR cause acne breakouts.
  • Silicones are non-irritating & non-sensitizing.
  • Silicones are non-allergenic. They DO NOT cause allergic reactions.
  • Silicones ARE breathable.
  • Silicones are biodegradable.

1. http://www.educatedtherapists.com/dimethicone-in-skin-care-separating-fact-from-fiction/ 

2. http://www.skininc.com/skinscience/ingredients/12-Silicone-Myths-Exploded-269445911.html 


Getting Zits Means Zapped Energy???

Did you know that getting zits can actually zap your energy?

Woman looking in mirror A recent Ohio State University study revealed that women who experience breakouts are at risk for exhaustion.  Why?  Having blemishes rear their ugly heads leads to self-consciousness and worry.  These strong emotions drain your energy.  It’s a nasty vicious cycle: more worry equals more stress, which can lead to more breakouts.

The quick fix?  Find a great, non-comedogenic concealer to cover up the problem spots!  Even though the ‘problem’ may still be there, when you (or anyone else for that matter) can’t actually see it, you tend to worry about it MUCH LESS.

Need a great concealer to do the trick?  Consider purchasing PRIIA’s acne-safe Face Concealer .  It’s non-comedogenic, non-acnegenic, skin-soothing and has been formulated to cover up skin imperfections like a dream! PRIIA’s acne-safe Face Concealer is available in 9 skin tone-friendly colors and is VEGAN and GLUTEN-FREE.

After you take off your concealer for the day, you’ll need a product to put those pimples in their place.  PRIIA Cosmetics has what you need: Calm Down Anti-Blemish Powder! Learn how to get rid of a blemish quickly: How to Knock Out a Zit

At PRIIA, we’ve got you covered…literally!